EDIT2: I could confirm that in debian unstable as of July 2013 is fixed. In this case you will be done with:
$ pyvenv-3.3 ~/.pyvenv-3.3
$ . ~/.pyvenv-3.3/bin/activate
(.pyvenv-3.3)$ curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
(.pyvenv-3.3)$ python distribute_setup.py
(.pyvenv-3.3)$ easy_install pip
In the previous blog post I got stuck in properly creating a virtualenv in python 3.3, now I came with this hacky script, which naively wraps pyvenv-3.3 and create a couple of missing links which makes everything works fine. In fact I saw that virtualenvs created with virtualenv .27 tools makes links from directories in <virtualenv>/local/{bin,lib,include} to <virtualenv>, those links are missing in venv created by pyvenv-3.3.
So here it is the hackish wrapper script:
PROGRAM="$(basename $0)"
if [ -z "${VENV_PATH}" ]; then
echo "Usage:" 1>&2
echo "${PROGRAM} VENV_PATH" 1>&2
exit 1
shift 1
echo pyvenv-3.3 "${VENV_PATH}" "${@}"
pyvenv-3.3 "${VENV_PATH}" "${@}"
mkdir -p "${VENV_PATH}/local"
for dir in lib bin include ; do
ln -vs ../${dir} "${VENV_PATH}/local/${dir}"
Save this script somewhere in your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin/mk_pyvenv or maybe ~/bin/mk_pyvenv) and then issue:
$ mk_pyvenv ~/.pyvenv-3.3
$ . ~/.pyvenv-3.3/bin/activate
(.pyvenv-3.3)$ curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
(.pyvenv-3.3)$ python distribute_setup.py
(.pyvenv-3.3)$ easy_install pip